This service is available at two of our locations : Montreal and Gatineau.

To contact the workers at the service point closest to you, consult the Team section.

How the program works

The Elizabeth Fry Society of Quebec offers a free, confidential and bilingual group program for women accused of economic offenses. The program is offered in two versions:

  • Short program for first-time offenders

    • 1 assessment session
    • 1 full-day group session
  • Long program for recidivists

    • 1 individual assessment session
    • 10 group sessions of 2,5 hours per week

The program is available in person or remotely, depending on your needs.


  • Better understand the reasons for one's actions and their consequences
  • Identify concrete and personalized means of control
  • Have a safe space to talk
  • Learn about the available resources
  • Comply with court or CQLC order


The program is accessible by referral from the Montreal Municipal Court, a lawyer, a probation officer or by request from the accused person.


Contact the nearest point of service in your area to find out about available programs.

To make a donation

Click here to make a donation under a court order.

History of the program

Since 1988, the Elizabeth Fry Society of Quebec has offered a free, confidential and bilingual program for women accused of economic crimes (shoplifting, employer theft, fraud, etc.). The EVE (Entraide Vol à l'Étalage) program was initiated in conjunction with various workers from the legal system, the police and the Quebec Retail Council. It was set up to provide concrete solutions to the problem of shoplifting, considered a social scourge. The EVE program is one of the oldest social programs offered by the Municipal Court of Montreal. Today, the program also offers services to women under correctional supervision for economic offenses such as fraud, employer theft, etc.

In 2013, we had to reduce access to clients from outside of Montreal due to insufficient funds. Services are mainly focused on women accused of at least one economic offense on the island of Montreal or on those subject to a surveillance measure by the Correctional Services of Quebec on the territory of Quebec.

Since 2020, with the support of the Quebec Ministry of Justice, the EVE program has become one of the partners of Équijustice Center (EQJ), offering women targeted by Montreal Municipal Court prosecutors a general alternative measure program (GAMP), thus promoting the diversion of women accused of a first-time offense. For more information, see the GAMP.

In 2023, with the support of the Quebec Ministry of Justice, the EVE program created a pilot project - a judicial accompaniment project called PAJ-EVE - to address the phenomenon of self-representation.

The EVE program is funded by the Correctional Services of Quebec (SCQ), the Quebec Ministry of Justice (MJQ) and private donors.

Information on women's economic crimes

Among all female crimes, economic offenses are a common type of crime, usually non-violent and acquisitive in nature. There is no standard profile, but the majority of women commit their crimes due to personal difficulties at various stages in their lives. EVE counselors help them to identify what triggers their theft or fraudulent behavior, the consequences of that behaviour and the main methods to control their behavior in order to address it.